Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm back ... with a Mac!

Our pc decided it didn't want to live another day, so it went to comp heaven, which forced us to designate Inauguration Day as Computer Shopping Day.  Sweet Andy asked for my input, and I "coerced" him (aka: a cunning smile and batting of eyelashes) to consider a simple laptop.  Andy read that as getting a Mac.  It's been a slight adjustment and I am sure will continue to be for some time, but I am thoroughly impressed with the "Apple Compuder," as Aiden calls it.  Best Buy is still trying to recover our hard drive, so no pictures for now.  But I'll work on figuring that out.  Besides that, I'm loving the laptop, especially since I am writing this as I lounge on Rick and Sharon's old couch from the 80's in the basement, watching Aiden play with his plethora of toys and listening to "I've got a home in glory land that outshines the sun."  Ah, such a rough life, this stay-at-home-mom business!  LOL

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