Saturday, November 21, 2009

Not Me Monday

I did NOT eat a sweet potato/butternut squash souffle with marshmallows on top for breakfast (two mornings in a row).

I did NOT forget (3 days in a row) to pour myself a cup of coffee that I had prepared because I was too tired to remember. Who wastes perfectly good Dunkin medium roast?!

I did NOT entice my 2 year old into a better mood by having him watch a Thanksgiving special on the Food Network with me while we partook of a year old Boston Market frozen tv dinner of turkey medallions and mashed potatoes in a savory gravy. (Who knew the Food Network could look so good in HiDef?!)

I did NOT fall prey to my son's ploy of "hold me, Mommy. Somfing is scaring me." at nap time and fell asleep next to him for the duration of nap time ... 2 days in a row!

I did NOT spill white sugar on the floor in my haste to prepare some coffee for myself on the way out the door and I did NOT leave it there ... all day. It is NOT still there. I am a clean freak! (Most of the time.)

Don't have a blog or too chicken to leave your Not Me's there? Just leave your Not Me's in the comments of this post so we can all enjoy them.